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Target Product Data and Pricing Scraper


Scrape product data, prices, and availability from any store on, compiling the information into a spreadsheet. Gather details such as product name, price, availability in-store and online, description, ratings, and more. This tool allows users to efficiently track and analyze Target's product offerings.

How to Use

  1. Log in to your ScrapeHero Cloud account.
  2. Navigate to the Target Product Data and Pricing Scraper App in the Scrapehero App store.
  3. Click on "Create New Project".
  4. Provide a list of Search keywords or listing urls to extract product data from Target.
  5. Provide a zip code (for example, 76904) to get product details from the nearest store. The crawler will choose the first store if the zip code has multiple stores.
  6. Specify whether the crawler should scrape only the first page, the first two pages, all the results, or a custom number of pages.
  7. Click "Gather Data" to begin the data extraction process.
  8. Once complete, download your data in your preferred format (CSV, JSON, or Excel) or connect any of the available integration to get seemless access to the scraped data.

Data Schema

The Target Product Data and Pricing Scraper App provides the following data fields:

Field NameDescriptionData Type
rankproduct rankTextField()
urlproduct urlTextField()
product_idproduct idTextField()
selected_product_idselected product idTextField()
nameproduct nameTextField()
brandproduct brandTextField()
sellerseller of the productTextField()
review_countproduct review countTextField()
ratingproduct ratingTextField()
sale_pricedicounted priceTextField()
regular_pricelisting priceTextField()
descriptionproduct descriptionTextField()
available_in_storeproduct availability offlineTextField()
available_onlineproduct availability onlineTextField()
attributesproduct attributesTextField()
colorproduct colourTextField()
sizeprodcut sizeTextField()
is_sponsoredsponsored product or notJSONField()
product_informationproduct informationJSONField()
image_urlsproduct imagesJSONField()
variationsproduct variationsJSONField()
product_variantsproduct variantsJSONField()
rating_histogramrating histogramJSONField()
store_idstore idTextField()
store_locationstore locationTextField()
store_telephonestore contactTextField()
store_addressstore addressTextField()
search_inputinput provided by userTextField()
search_zipcodesearch zipcodeTextField()

Sample Data Record

Here's an example of a typical data record returned by this scraper:

This scraper uses 10 data credit per data record. Learn more about data credits.

"attributes": null,
"available_in_store": "No",
"available_online": "Yes",
"brand": "Withings",
"color": null,
"currency": "USD",
"description": "ScanWatch Light is the perfect representation of what a health hybrid smartwatch should be: advanced sensors providing essential & accurate health data all nested in a premium & lightweight watch. And because improving or maintaining health is a journey that benefits from around-theclock tracking, ScanWatch Light packs 30 days of battery life before needing to be recharged.",
"image_urls": [
"is_sponsored": true,
"model": "3700546708329",
"name": "Withings ScanWatch Light - Sand",
"product_id": "90708669",
"product_information": {
"Activities tracked": "Basketball, Golf, Baseball, Yoga, Cycling, Soccer, Elliptical Training, Walking, Hiking, Weights, Running, Pilates, Football, Climbing",
"Battery": "1 Non-Universal Lithium Ion, Required, Included",
"Connection Type": "No Wired Connection Ports",
"Features": "Beige (band)",
"Includes": "User Manual, Charging Cable, USB Cable, Charging/Docking Station, Battery Charger",
"Item Number (DPCI)": "057-03-0134",
"Material": "Stainless Steel",
"Material: Watch Band": "Fluoroelastomer",
"Maximum Battery Charge Life": "30 Days",
"Metrics Measured": "Sleep Interruptions, Total Steps, Sleep Stages, Calories Burned, Active Minutes, Sleep Duration, Heart Rate, Sleep Quality",
"Operating System Compatibility": "Apple iPadOS, Android, Apple iOS",
"Product Model": "Withings ScanWatch",
"Screen Size": "37 Millimeter",
"TCIN": "90708669",
"UPC": "3700546708329",
"Warranty": "2 Year Limited Warranty. To obtain a copy of the manufacturer's or supplier's warranty for this item prior to purchasing the item, please call Target Guest Services at 1-800-591-3869",
"Water Resistance": "Water-Resistant",
"Weight": "27.1 Grams",
"Wireless Technology": "Bluetooth",
"highlights": "Get notified if your heart is beating too fast or too slow, track your heart rate day & night and help manage stress and anxiety with breathing exercises. | Monitor every move with 40+ activities recognized, assess your performance with heart rate zones, Fitness Level via VO2 max estimation, and progress towards goals right on the watch. | Enjoy the freedom of 24/7 tracking for 30 days before needing to recharge, plus benefit from premium materials so you can live life to the fullest. | Sleep tracker - Wake up to your Sleep Quality Score, improve your energy levels with insight into your sleep metrics: light sleep, deep sleep, duration, disturbances, interruptions and regularity."
"product_variants": {},
"rank": "1",
"rating": "4.3",
"rating_histogram": {
"five_star": "48 %",
"four_star": "38 %",
"one_star": "0 %",
"three_star": "10 %",
"two_star": "3 %"
"regular_price": null,
"review_count": "29",
"sale_price": "249.99",
"search_input": "smart watches",
"search_zipcode": "95829",
"selected_product_id": "90708669",
"seller": "WITHINGS, INC.",
"size": null,
"store_address": null,
"store_id": "1527",
"store_location": "Sacramento SW",
"store_telephone": null,
"url": "",
"variations": []


  • Comprehensive product Data Extraction from
  • Real-time scraping of up-to-date information.
  • Bulk scraping capabilities for Product search results for target .
  • Data export in multiple formats (CSV, JSON, Excel).

Learn More: For detailed information on using the Target Product Data and Pricing Scraper and its different use cases, read our guide: [


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